Unit 4 Assignment SOAP NOTE/Case Study 2 SOAP Note Patient Name: G.D. MRN: XXX Date of Service: 01-27-2020 Start Time: 10:00 AM End Time: 10:54 AM Billing Code(s): 90213, 90836 Accompanied by: Brother CC: Follow-up appointment for counseling after discharge from inpatient psychiatric unit 2 days ago Subjective (S): Mr. Davis reports generally improved depressive […]
Submit 1 Mini-SOAP note on a patient that you saw in clinic this week. Submit as a Word Document. See example template below for required format. Review the rubric for more information on how your assignment will be graded. Demographic Data • Patient initial (one initial only), age, and gender must be Health Insurance Portability […]
Case Study: Emily Johnson is a 42-year-old female presenting for her annual wellness check-up. She has been experiencing occasional headaches and fatigue for the past three months. Emily works as a high school teacher and has noticed increased stress levels lately. She has a family history of hypertension and breast cancer. Emily is concerned about […]
SOAP Note: Nursing & Medical diagnosis/es formulated with correct ICD- 10 codes. Include health maintenance diagnosis per guidelines. You MUST provide at least 3 likely differential diagnoses and list R/Os if appropriate. Include pertinent positives & negatives for the Mgt plan cost-effective, clinically correct & includes sections for medical & nursing therapeutics. Patient education should […]
SOAP Note Template Encounter date: ________________________ Patient Initials: ______ Gender: M/F/Transgender ____ Age: _____ Race: _____ Ethnicity ____ Reason for Seeking Health Care: ______________________________________________ HPI:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Allergies(Drug/Food/Latex/Environmental/Herbal): ___________________________________ Current perception of Health: Excellent Good Fair Poor Past Medical History • Major/Chronic Illnesses____________________________________________________ • Trauma/Injury ___________________________________________________________ • Hospitalizations __________________________________________________________ Past Surgical History___________________________________________________________ Medications: __________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Family […]
Psychiatric Case Study SOAP note Suicidal Ideation and Depression in Adolescent The patient is a 15‐year‐old Puerto Rican adolescent female living with both her parents and a younger sibling. Her parents presented with significant marital problems, had been separated several times and were discussing divorce. Her mother reported having a history of psychiatric treatment for […]
Comprehensive SOAP Note Name Academic Institution Comprehensive SOAP Patient Initials: ___Ms. P____ Age: ___70____ Gender: ___F____ SUBJECTIVE DATA: Chief Complaint (CC): Acute confusion, agitation and restlessness. History of Present Illness (HPI): Ms. Peter is a 70-year old female brought to the healthcare facility by the son. Her son indicates that the mother has acute confusion, […]
Assessing Musculoskeletal Pain Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Professor’s Name Date Assessing Musculoskeletal Pain Patient Information: Initials – SJ Age – 42 Sex – M Race – White S. CC: Lower back pain that sometimes radiates from the left leg. HPI: 42-year-old male visits to the clinic complaining of lower back pain. The patient explains […]
Assessing and Treating Patients with Sleep/Wake Disorders Introduction The case study involves a 31-year old male with insomnia and has begotten progressively over the last six months. According to the patient, he has never been a greater sleeper, but now he has challenges sleeping (Walden University, 2021). The sleeping problems started after the loss of […]
Introduction This placement handbook has been ready to assist your studying throughout your scientific placement for PY3060B Scientific Pharmacy. It additionally acts as your diary/log e-book and must be accomplished and submitted for evaluation. Some sections are required to be signed by the pharmacist supervising you and the case presentation/affected person remedy evaluate presentation can […]