Title: Nursing Care for Age-Related Urinary Function Disorders in Older Adults Urinary function changes significantly as individuals age, often leading to various disorders that require specialized nursing care. This paper examines the age-related changes in urinary function, common problems and conditions associated with these changes, and appropriate nursing management strategies for older adults experiencing urinary […]
Week 4: Nursing Theory 15 Identify your specialty area of professional practice. Select a nursing theory from the list of specialty track specific theories provided in the lesson plan or one of your own findings. Address the following: (1) briefly identify concepts of the nursing metaparadigm (remember the selected theory may not include all four […]
Keith Rischer RN assessment & reasoning respiratory sytem Assessment & Reasoning Respiratory System John Franklin, 35 years old Suggested Respiratory Nursing Assessment Skills to Be Demonstrated: • Inspection: Client positioning – tripod, position of comfort; (face) nasal flaring, pursed lips, color of face, lips; (posterior)level of scapula – rise evenly, use of accessory muscles anterior/posterior, […]
PROFESSIONAL ROLES AND VALUES C304 V3 TASK 1 When I think of nursing theory the first person that comes to mind is Florence Nightingale – Florence Nightingale is considered the founder of modern nursing and her environmental theory of nursing is still influential today. At the core of Nightingale’s theory was the belief that the […]
NSG 3309- Health Assessment Group Project Application of Research to the Health Assessment Process The NSG 3309 group project, found in Module 10, is designed to introduce and/or expose students to current research studies that are applicable to the health assessment process. The project also promotes collaboration and communication as students work together to accomplish […]
` Pediatric ICU: Living with Dying – From a Nursing Perspective The pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) is a place where life and death are constantly intertwined. Children who are critically ill or injured are admitted to the PICU, where they receive specialized care from a multidisciplinary team of health professionals. The PICU nurses are […]
Managing Pain in Patients with Substance Use Disorders: Addressing Unique Challenges and Implementing Integrated Care Pain is a common and complex condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Pain can have physical, psychological, and social impacts on the quality of life of patients and their families. However, pain management is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Patients […]
Effectiveness of Therapeutic Play on Anxiety Among Children with Terminally Ill Conditions Therapeutic play is a form of intervention that uses play as a medium to help children cope with stressful situations, such as hospitalization, illness, death, and grief. Therapeutic play can facilitate expression, coping, and mastery, and address the child’s need to express feelings, […]
Evidence Base for Sexual Abuse in Developed and Developing Countries Sexual abuse is a serious violation of human rights that affects millions of people worldwide, especially women and girls. Sexual abuse can have devastating physical, psychological, social and economic consequences for the survivors, their families and communities. Sexual abuse can also hinder the achievement of […]
How healthy is your workplace? You may think your current organization operates seamlessly, or you may feel it has many issues. You may experience or even observe things that give you pause. Yet, much as you wouldn’t try to determine the health of a patient through mere observation, you should not attempt to gauge the […]