SOAP Note: Nursing & Medical diagnosis/es formulated with correct ICD- 10 codes. Include health maintenance diagnosis per guidelines. You MUST provide at least 3 likely differential diagnoses and list R/Os if appropriate. Include pertinent positives & negatives for the Mgt plan cost-effective, clinically correct & includes sections for medical & nursing therapeutics. Patient education should […]
Von Hippel-Lindau Disease Disease, epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, how to support the diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and management, if sexual transmission explain how to inform the authorities and the protocol. No more than 5 pages, excluding tittle and references. APA rules ========================================== Von Hippel-Lindau Disease: Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease is a rare hereditary cancer […]
8-10 slides on Powerpoint Topic (Cover Page and Reference Page EXCLUDED) Must use 2-3 scholarly articles from OLib 2-3 in-text APA Citations ( Turn In It score MUST be less than 20% Slides must include oEtiology, oNursing Interventions, oPatient Education, oTreatment (if applicable. Power point presentation about sickle cell disease ========================== Slide 1: Introduction to […]
Investigating Pandemics and Epidemics: Understanding the spread of infectious diseases is important in controlling and preventing pandemics and epidemics. The investigation of pandemics and epidemics involves a multidisciplinary approach, including public health, epidemiology, laboratory science, and clinical medicine. Public health officials play a crucial role in identifying and tracking outbreaks, determining the source of the […]
Outline for Disease Process: Each week the student should explore the manifestations of the disease process per assignment. A one and a half page (Ace homework tutors – APA format) typed explanation of the disease process should include the following information: Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia 1. Disease Name 2. Pathophysiology 3. Etiology 4. Signs and symptoms 5. […]
In your initial post, write 200–250 words responding to one of the ethical situations provided using one of the ethical frameworks (deontology or teleology) as your focus. Support your post and discussion with the Code of Ethics for Nurses versus your personal opinion. Ethical Situations Driving privileges of uncontrolled diabetics should be restricted to protect […]
The pitfalls of overcharging or undercharging a defendant Prosecutors and law enforcers have consistently adopted the aspect of overcharging defendants by including additional charges that they may or may not be in a position to prove during the trial in the interest of meeting their different interests at the expense of justice, fairness, and equality. […]
Police Misconduct Police officers in their immediate communities have a social contract that requires them to abide by societal value system and obey the rule of law. However, police corruption remains to be a widespread phenomenon that actively affects their ability to deliver services and a general perception that boosts communication. After the 9/11 attacks, […]
Law Analysis The Potential Legal Problems for both Thomas and Gabriel In this case, the issue at hand is to establish whether Gabriel commuted an offence of trespass and Arson on Thomas Property. A trespass occurs when a person or object belonging to a specific individual intentionally enters into the land or property of another […]
Leadership The leadership style that I will use is transformational leadership. This is a form of leadership where a leader works collaboratively with staff to recognize the change that is needed, develop a vision to steer the change via encouragement, and execute change together with dedicated group members (Shelton, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. […]