Case Ace my homework – Write-Ups Purpose and Guidelines Case write-ups are required for every case discussed in this class. Each will focus on a broad range of marketing problems related to topics we will discuss in class, as well as many that you may experience in your careers. Remember that you are being assessed […]
MKT/574 v2 This week you will complete your strategic marketing plan for your selected business by identifying customer segments, developing an implementation plan, evaluating communication channels, and determining metrics. You will submit all 3 parts of your strategic marketing plan you have worked on in this course in 1 document. Access the Strategic Marketing Plan […]
Marketing Assignment #1 (SLR) Challenge Challenge objective: Devise a comprehensive strategy to generate $100K/month in revenue for our Virtual Reality platform, SLRJP,, targeting the Japanese market. Conditions: o Logic: Clearly explain the rationale behind your strategy. This should include market research, identifying the target audience, and outlining how you plan to meet their needs. […]
The four Ps of marketing are product, price, promotion, and place. These are the four elements that make up a marketing mix. Product: This refers to the goods or services that a company offers to its customers. It includes features, packaging, and branding. Price: This is the amount of money that a customer must pay […]
Assignments for MK4S34 Strategic Marketing for September 2022 cohorts Submission of BOTH assignments (two clearly marked sections in one document as ‘ASSIGNMENT 1’ and ‘ASSIGNMENT 2’) is through Turnitin. The deadline for submission is 23:59 hrs on 06 January 2023. Background Market segmentation is a crucial marketing strategy. Its aim is to identify and delineate […]