Microplastics, typically defined as plastic fragments smaller than 5 mm in size, have emerged as one of the most pressing ecological challenges in marine ecosystems. These contaminants are pervasive across global waters and are especially prevalent in the world’s oceans. In the North Pacific Ocean, a region that hosts one of the largest concentrations of […]
Evaluating emerging autonomous and unmanned vessel technologies for Middle Eastern and African coastal and inland waterways Autonomous and unmanned vessel technologies are rapidly developing and have the potential to transform the maritime industry. These technologies can offer various benefits, such as improving safety, efficiency, environmental performance, and accessibility of waterborne transport. However, there are also […]
A port marketing strategy in the wake of new shipping alliances The shipping industry has undergone significant changes in recent years, with the emergence of new shipping alliances that have reshaped the global maritime network. These alliances, which consist of groups of carriers that share vessels, routes, and terminals, aim to reduce costs, increase efficiency, […]
Evaluating the Determinants of Port Productivity in Africa Ports are vital for the economic development of Africa, as they facilitate about 95% of the continent’s international trade (UNCTAD 2023). However, many African ports face challenges such as congestion, low berth productivity, inadequate infrastructure, and poor logistics. These factors affect the efficiency and throughput of ports, […]
Assessing the Economic and Environmental Impacts of Inland Waterway Transport Network Expansions Inland waterway transport (IWT) is a mode of transport that uses rivers, canals, lakes, and other inland waterways to move goods and passengers. IWT is often considered as a sustainable and efficient alternative to road and rail transport, as it can reduce congestion, […]
Comparing National Maritime Cluster Strategies in Developing and Developed Economies National maritime clusters are groups of companies and organizations in the maritime sector that are located in close proximity and cooperate to achieve common goals. Maritime clusters can enhance the competitiveness, innovation, and sustainability of the marine industry, as well as foster regional development and […]
Strategic Overview of Third Party Ship Management: Key Success Factors Introduction Third party ship management has become an increasingly important part of the maritime industry in recent decades. As ship owners look to reduce costs and focus on their core competencies, outsourcing the day-to-day technical and crew management of their vessels to specialized third party […]
ASSESSMENT OF CABOTAGE ACT IMPLEMENTATION IN NIGERIA The Cabotage Act, officially known as the Coastal and Inland Shipping (Cabotage) Act of 2003, is a law that aims to restrict the use of foreign vessels in domestic coastal trade, promote the development of indigenous tonnage, and establish a Cabotage Vessel Financing Fund (CVFF) for related matters. […]
Analysis of Maritime Disputes in the South China Sea and Their Impact on Regional Security The South China Sea (SCS) is a semi-enclosed sea that covers an area of about 3.5 million square kilometers and contains some of the world’s busiest shipping lanes, rich fishing grounds, and vast natural resources. It is also a region […]
Integration of Techniques Related to Ship Monitoring Ship monitoring is the process of detecting, tracking, and identifying ships in various marine environments. Ship monitoring is essential for many applications, such as marine surveillance, port management, navigation safety, and maritime security. However, ship monitoring faces many challenges, such as complex backgrounds, occlusions, noise, illumination changes, and […]